
Fix For: Neato Docks - Won't Charge

12-27-2012                 Update TO:  
              EASY CHARGER FIX-Don't Buy New Battery Yet
The Fix At The Bottom May Work Sometimes BUT!!!
I have discovered that the true issue here are the springs that push out the bar on the horizontal silver bars on the front of the charger unit.  These springs look like a larger version of the spring inside a bar point pen.  They are very weak and appear to lose their ability to push the silver bar back into position to contact the metal contact rail on the back of the Neato.   I am trying to talk to Neato to see if they will send out replacement units or at least beefier springs.  If the spring strength is the problem --- tightening the screw in the below post will not fix the problem.

My Neato XV-11 would dock, but not charge.  If I manually moved it around, sometimes I could get a charge connection.  I talked with Neato 3 times- promised a replacement only to have techs decide it was the battery and cancel.  They also said to clean the contacts and move the charger.  I did all those things and bought a new battery, but nothing changed.
It ended up to be was loose screws on the back of the charger strips. 
The Fix:
1)  The plug in charger has two spring loaded strips on the bottom.
2)  Check to see if both metal strips stick out from case and can be pushed in and pop out again.
3)  If one or more strip is sunk inside plastic case, then the problem is that the screws that hold the strip to the spring in back are loose.
4)  Depress orange bar on top of case to open.
5)  Inside will be wrapped electric line and the back of the strips.
6)  At the end of each strip is a small screw
7)  Carefully tighten screw(s).
8)  This should cause the strip to pop out in front
9)  Reassemble case and Neato should be able to successfully dock.
10)  There is a chance that bar will still stick. I have inquiry in to Neato asking them how unstick it.  I will update this post after they reply.

 I didn't need to buy new battery and if battery run time is still good, neither do you.

Lets see.. the Celtic people had no vacuum cleaners.


  1. You can also open the charging base remove the wires and plug the neato directly in a wall outlet. This will tell you if base or battery is defective. If base proceed as above

    1. You actually cannot do this on most models. Apparently they disabled the "manual" port on the Neato in one of their hardware revisions.
